All Saints’ in the Town of Athabasca had a fulfilling Advent season. We started with a successful Christmas bake sale and silent auction with some beautiful items for Christmas presents for either yourself or for giving – items included an antique pendulum clock, crystal bowels, jewelry, robo vacuum and the list goes on. Good time was had by all with some competitive bidding! We donated to our local homeless shelter financially as well as collecting numerous cold weather apparel plus donating to our local food bank. Mid December we hosted our annual Community lessons and carols service – over 100 people braved the cold for a festive evening of singing carols, members of our local community reading the nine lessons and entertainment from our local community – United Church Bell Ringers, Father Jack from St. Gabriel’s Catholic Church, Ukrainian Orthodox, the Marion singers and our own Pat Silkie singing was our crowning event. We finished the evening with Christmas treats and fellowship plus we raised $780 from donations to our local elementary School food program. We continued on with a church family dinner over 30 people celebrated Christmas with a lovely turkey dinner and we finished off the season with a beautiful a candle lit Christmas Evening service. God has been good to All Saints’.
We are planning Seder Supper, Good Friday service jointly with United Church, Mother’s Day High Tea and July 1 activities including our annual hot dog sale plus a garage sale.
Submitted by Rev. Terry & Pat Francis