Diocesan Executive Council Announcement
The Diocese of Athabasca is establishing a Clergy Moving Fund.
Parishes are responsible for the costs of hiring stipendiary (paid) clergy, including costs of interviewing and relocating to the parish. The Diocese recognizes that these costs may be a burden to the parish and a barrier to bringing clergy to the diocese. The Diocese also recognizes that having clergy benefits the whole diocese, not just the local parish. The Diocesan Executive Committee has agreed to establish a Clergy Moving Fund.
The Diocese has budgeted to set aside $10 000.00 annually to this fund. The fund will have a maximum of $100 000. Parishes and individuals will be able to donate to this fund. (If you wish to do so please contact the synod office.) This fund will help parishes with the moving costs when hiring a priest. Procedures to access the funds are being drafted, but are expected to include: Parishes (through their vesty and wardens) wishing help in moving clergy to a parish will need to consult with their Regional Dean and the Bishop, with the request being submitted to the Management Committee for a recommendation to the Diocesan Executive Committee (DEC). DEC must approve any assistance from this fund before moving costs occur.